"When you compete with someone as good or better than you, you may not always win, but you never lose." Michael Josephson
Would you like to have your computing prowess reviewed and assessed by World Coding Champions? Or perhaps you would like to win amazing prizes, including a trip to a leading software development company headquarters and Amazon vouchers?

Then join us for the British Programming Challenge - a programming competition run by the London School of Mathematics and Programming. This is for children up to the age of 16 and it tests their individual coding skills. Participation is completely free and young coders can pick (almost) any programming language to write their answers in.

The Challenge is Made up of 2 Rounds:
The first round is online. Children are given five to seven tasks and just over two weeks to solve them and submit their answers. Then, up to 50 finalists are selected and invited to the LondonSMP school for the three hour finals. Answers will be checked on the spot and winners crowned on the same day!

Sign up and test your skills on the assignments developed by the best in the field. Feel the thrill of competition, push yourself further and aspire to try your hardest!
Challenge Fact Sheet
Register now to take part - online round starts on the 4th of July 2020
Who Can Participate?
We invite everyone who is aged 16 and under and loves coding to participate in the Challenge for a chance to put their name on the LondonSMP Programming Cup and win some amazing prizes!
The first round will be held online, from the 4th to the 22nd of July 2020. Results will be announced within 2 weeks of submission.
Date of the finals: TBA. Finals will last three hours and will be followed by the Award Ceremony.
First round: online
Finals will take place at the LondonSMP school located at the hospitable Rossotrudnichestvo in 37 High Street Kensington, London W8 5ED
Programming Languages
You can choose from a host of languages, including Java, Python, C and many more! (unfortunately, not Scratch)
Children will be given 5-7 tasks of increasing difficulty. Up to 50 of the highest-scoring participants will be invited to the finals where they will try their hand at another set of tasks. The tasks in the Finals will be checked and results announced on the spot
First place: £100 Amazon gift voucher
Second place: £50 Amazon gift voucher
Third place: £25 Amazon gift voucher

First 10 places: a trip to a leading software development company headquarters
How it works
Fill in the Registration form
You will then receive a detailed email with your login details for the Codeforces platform and instructions on how to take part.
Solve and submit the tasks
There will be five to seven tasks of increasing difficulty. Attempt as many as you can in almost any programming language (except Scratch). Don't worry if you cannot solve them all! The age of each participant will be taken into the account when awarding points. There will be a deadline for submission
Wait for feedback
Results will be announced within two weeks after submission deadline. If you make it to the Finals, you will be invited to LondonSMP (date to be confirmed). The finals will last three hours followed by the awards ceremony
"When you compete with someone as good or better than you, you may not always win, but you never lose". Keep this in mind and enjoy this amazing opportunity to meet the best in your peer group
Our Judges
Incredible programmers, world champions and inspirational teachers who will put together the challenge and review your work
Pavel Mavrin
World Programming Champion (2004)
ITMO University (St Petersburg, Russia)
An avid fan of programming since childhood, Pavel became a World Champion when aged 20. This is just one of many awards, the list being too long to publish. He currently sits on several judging panels of international programming olympiads, teaches computer technologies and coaches student teams at the national level.
Anastasia Stone
Founder and Director, LondonSMP
Anastasia is the driving force behind the Challenge. Early successes in Programming olympiads lead her to read Mathematics and Computer Science at university and then onto founding the London School of Mathematics and Programming in 2014.
Mike Mirzayanov
Founder and CEO of Codeforces
ITMO University (St Petersburg, Russia)
Specialising in Advanced Algorithms, Mike won two silver medals at the ACM-ICPC World Finals and advanced many times to the finals of prestigious world programming contests. He also coached his student team to become World Champions in 2006. Mike founded Codeforces in 2010.
Yuri Bedny
Quantitative Researcher, XTX Markets
Teacher at LondonSMP
Having participated in many programming contests, Yuri is now inspiring scores of LondonSMP students and teaching them programming languages in his free time.
Leonid Sislo
Software Engineer, XTX Markets
Baltic States Champion (2008) and Ultimate Coding Challenge Champion (2015), Leonid specialises in software development.

Who we are

We are the London School of Mathematics and Programming, a place where the young and curious come to learn about all things STEM.

We design and run classes and camps for children aged 4 to 18, who don't want to learn through memorising and reciting – instead, we teach them to explore, question and create. Our teachers ensure that through learning with us your children build skill sets that will help them thrive in our rapidly changing world.

We run five schools in London, teaching a multitude of STEM subjects, from Maths and Programming to Robotics and Chess. And our holiday camps always feature incredible projects, from driverless cars and 3D radars to e-textiles and smart houses.

We also believe in constructive challenges and fair competition and run competitive events each year in Maths, Programming, Robotics and Chess. We encourage our pupils to take part in these, while also opening them up to any child, passionate about these subjects.

Come and join us for the British Programming Challenge this spring - we can't wait to see all you aspiring programmers!
Register for the British Programming Challenge 2020
Participant's First Name
Please provide your child's first name
Participant's Last Name
Please provide your child's last name
Participant's Date of Birth
Please provide your child's date of birth
Participant's School
Please provide the name of your child's school
Participant's Country of Residence
Please provide your child's country of residence
Participant's Email Address
Please provide an email your child will use to register on Codeforces platform
Parent (Guardian) Full Name
Please provide your full name
Parent (Guardian) Email Address
Please provide your contact email (parent/guardian)
Please provide any other relevant information
By clicking the 'Submit' button, you agree to processing your personal details, sharing them with third parties such as Codeforces and receiving communications from LondonSMP. Our full Privacy Policy can be viewed here.
Try your hand at these two problems A and B
Feel free to contact us if you have any questions, we would love to hear from you!
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